“RNA metabolism-related genes expression in response to microenvironmental changes in myotubes differentiation and in COPD”.

Data inizio
1 gennaio 2010
Durata (mesi) 
Responsabili (o referenti locali)
Morandi Carlo
Parole chiave
PTB, ribonucleoproteins, splicing,

This program represents the natural follow up of a long sought and well documented interest of the research unit towards PTB and Raver proteins, which interact with PTB as co-repressors. Deciphering the alternative splicing regulator factors involvement in the regulation of specific muscle exons will allow to the identification of muscle-specific modulators of gene expression during differentiation and adaptation to exercise. It may contribute to the elucidation of the complex molecular mechanisms and splicing-regulatory networks that regulate gene expression in skeletal muscle and identify molecular markers for muscle dysfunctions.
In particular, the project will investigate ribonucleoprotein expression pattern, localization and roles in alternative splicing events that occur in muscle specific transcripts during myotube differentiation and microenvironmental changes. Comparative assessment of ribonuceoproteins expression pattern in peripheral blood leukocytes in COPD will contribute to the knowledge of gene expression regulation machinery involved in the adaptation to physical activity.

Enti finanziatori:

Finanziamento: richiesto
Programma: PRIN

Partecipanti al progetto

Erica Diani
Ricercatore a tempo determinato
Agnese Rita Filippa Tindara Filippello
Pamela Lorenzi
Carlo Morandi
Cultore della materia
Maria Romanelli
Professore ordinario
Titolo Autori Anno
Transcriptional regulation of the human Raver2 ribonucleoprotein gene. Romanelli, Maria; Lorenzi, Pamela; Diani, Erica; Filippello, Agnese Rita Filippa Tindara; Avesani, F; Morandi, Carlo 2012
Molecular cloning and expression analyses of the RBM20 gene that is associated to familial dilated cardiomyopathy Filippello, Agnese Rita Filippa Tindara; Lorenzi, Pamela; Morandi, Carlo; Romanelli, Maria 2011
Functional characterization of the human ribonucleoprotein, PTB-binding 2/Raver2 promoter region. Lorenzi, Pamela; Morandi, Carlo; Romanelli, Maria 2008


