Legal and Forensic Medicine - DIDATTICA FRONTALE (2019/2020)

Course code
Other available courses
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    Academic sector
    Language of instruction
    Teaching is organised as follows:
    Activity Credits Period Academic staff Timetable
    DE LEO 4 1 not yet allocated Domenico De Leo

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    TAGLIARO 4 2 not yet allocated Franco Tagliaro

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    BORTOLOTTI 4 0.5 not yet allocated Federica Bortolotti

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    POLETTINI 4 1 not yet allocated Aldo Eliano Polettini

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    TURRINA 4 2 not yet allocated Stefania Turrina

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    GOTTARDO 4 2 not yet allocated Rossella Gottardo

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    DE BATTISTI 4 0.5 not yet allocated Zeno De Battisti

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    Learning outcomes

    provide the students the theoretical basis and the practical skills to needed for the practice of legal and forensic medicine, including basic notions of forensic science


    the legal-administrative rights of the citizen healthy and disabled; public forensic medicine; bioethics, deontology, professional responsibility; pathology and medico-legal pathology; social security and asylum medicine; the medico-legal laboratory; forensic haemogenetics; forensic toxicology; criminology and forensic psychopathology; social medicine and the organisation and legislation of health and social interest in the public and private contexts and the methodology of assessment of the fittnes to work and act in regulated contexts.

    Assessment methods and criteria


    Reference books
    Activity Author Title Publisher Year ISBN Note
    DE LEO 4 de leo domenico Appunti delle lezioni 2019
    TAGLIARO 4 Peter Vanezis Essential Forensic Medicine (Edizione 1) John Wiley & Sons 2020 9780470748633
    TAGLIARO 4 Franco Tagliaro, Dario Raniero, Chiara Laposata, Federica Bortolotti Ispezione Cadaverica Esterna (Edizione 1) Piccin Nuova Libraria 2018 978-88-299-2905-4
    TAGLIARO 4 A. Oliva, M. Caputo Itinerari di Medicina Legale e delle Responsabilità in Campo Sanitario (Edizione 1) G. Giappichelli Editore 2021 9788892132634
    TAGLIARO 4 Macchiarelli L, Feola T Medicina Legale (Edizione 2) Edizioni Minerva Medica, Torino 2005
    TAGLIARO 4 Silingardi Enrico Medicina Legale per Studenti e Medici di Medicina Generale (Edizione 1) Idelson-Gnocchi 2020 9788879476966
    BORTOLOTTI 4 FNOMCEO Codice di Deontologia Medica 2014 2014
    TURRINA 4 J.M. Butler Advanced Topics in Forensic DNA Typing: Methodology Elsevier 2011
    TURRINA 4 Stefania Turrina Appunti di lezione  
    DE BATTISTI 4 Viafora Corrado, Gaiani Alberto A lezione di bioetica. Temi e strumenti Franco Angeli 2016

