Community Engagement

Community Engagement

The university’s third mission

Many of DDSP’s scientific disciplinary sectors are highly directed towards society, regarding both general health issues such as accident prevention in the workplace and diagnostic screenings, and public health issues  such as vaccinations and drug safety monitoring.
From a societal perspective, DDSP in involved in the health surveillance of immigrants, international cooperation, epidemiological surveys on social factors that may underlie diseases, violence towards women, alcoholism and other addictions.
DDSP is one of the three departments promoting the annual conferences of the “Radici dei Diritti” group of the University of Verona. It also hosts spin-off initiatives and the ARC-NET Applied Research Centre.
DDSP houses the Reference Centre for Education and Communication with the WHO Programme for International Drug Monitoring and the Pharmacovigilance Unit of the Regional Centre for Drugs, Veneto Region.
The Legal Medicine and Occupational Medicine sections of DDSP continuously provide expert legal advice and opinion on criminal, civil and occupation legal actions, as requested by the Law Authority.

Eventi di public engagement


Con l’espressione public engagement si identifica l'insieme delle attività senza scopo di lucro, con valore educativo, culturale e di sviluppo della società svolte a beneficio di pubblici diversi rispetto agli studenti, alle comunità scientifiche o alle imprese.

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