Aldo Eliano Polettini

Prof. Aldo Eliano Polettini,  September 18, 2018
Associate Professor
Associate Professor
Section of Legal and Occupational Medicine
Academic sector
MEDS-25/A - Forensic Medicine
Research sector (ERC-2024)
LS7_7 - Pharmacology and toxicology

LS7_9 - Public health and epidemiology

Research sector (ERC)
LS7_9 - Public health and epidemiology

LS7_5 - Toxicology

Piastra Odontoiatrica,  Floor Primo,  Room 1.40
aldo|polettini*univr|it <== Replace | with . and * with @ to have the right email address.

Office Hours

I receive by appointment, om Tuesdays and Thursdays from 14:00 to 16:00, to be requested by telephone (3337475432) or e-mail (, at Palazzina Medicina Legale - Policlinico Borgoroma (first floor).


Prof. Aldo Polettini is employed since 2007 at the Department of Diagnostics & Public Health of the State University of Verona. He covers the position of associate professor. His teaching duties include courses of Forensic Toxicology, Bioethics, and Legal Medicine within the Faculties of Medicine, Social Sciences, and Physical Education as well as in the Specialization Schools of Legal Medicine and Hygiene.
Since September 2009 he also acts as expert consultant for substance abuse bioanalysis and interpretation for Synlab Italia and, since 2014, for Synlab Germany.
Since 1989 he acts as expert witness both for Prosecutors and for the Defence in cases of lethal poisoning, drug facilitated crimes, driving under influence, illicit use of drugs in sports (doping) and zootechnics, analysis of illucit drugs preparations.
Since 2001 he has been nominated as expert of drugs of abuse in several commissions of the Italian Ministry of Health, the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA), the European Union, and the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) .
Prof. Polettini has an extensive experience in the application of sophisticated analytical techniques (GC/MS, LC/MS, MS/MS, HRMS) to the bioanalysis of xenobiotics and their metabolites in biological and environmental (soil, water, food) matrices, as well as in the pharmacological and toxicological interpretation of analytical findings (interpretive toxicology).
His current research activity include:

  • Trace level (ppb or lower) analysis of xenobiotics in traditional as well as alternative biological matrices


  • Diagnosis of alcohol abuse through the analysis of ethyl glucuronide and ethyl sulphate in different biological matrices


  • Development of drug screening procedures in biosamples by LC-TOFMS


  • Toxicological interpretation of analytical results

The scientific activity of Prof. Aldo Polettini is attested by over 70 publications, the majority of them as first or last author, appeared in the most important journals of analytical chemistry, analytical toxicology and forensic sciences (Analytical Chemistry, Clinical Chemistry, Journal of Analytical Toxicology, Journal of Mass Spectrometry, Journal of Chromatography, Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry, Clinica Chimica Acta, Analytical Biochemistry, Journal of Forensic Sciences, Forensic Science International, British Medical Jounal, Molecular Pharmacology, Addiction, Alcoholism-Clinical and Experimental Research), including books and book chapters, and by his frequent attendance to international conferences where he is frequently invited to lecture on different topics of analytical and forensic toxicology.
Aldo Polettini has an Hirsch Index of 26, with an average of over 25 citations per paper.
In 2006 he edited the book Applications of LC-MS in Toxicology published by Pharmaceutical Press and contributed, together with L. Politi and A. Groppi, with the chapter on Ionisation, Ion Separation and Ion Detection in LC-MS. The book hosts contributions of the main experts in the field, such as Maciej Bogusz, Robert Kronstrand, Pierre Marquet, Hans Maurer, Laurent Rivier, and Detlef Thieme.
In 2012 he was invited to contribute to the 2nd edition of the Encyclopedia of Forensic Sciences (Toxicology Section), edited by Drs. Jay A. Siegel and Pekka Saukko, with a chapter on "Methods of Analysis-Confirmatory Testing".
Prof. Polettini has developed his research activity at an international level by collaborating with different renowned institutes such as the Joint Research Centre of the European Union (Ispra, Italy), the National Institute of Public Health and Environmental Protection (Bilthoven, The Netherlands), the Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology of the Municipal Institute for Medical Research (Barcelona, Spain), and the National Institute on Drug Abuse/IRP/NIH (Baltimore, MD).
He is member of The International Association of Forensic Toxicologists (TIAFT) since 1995 and from 2007 to 2018 he has been regional representative for Italy of the Association, In 2008 he received the TIAFT Achievement Award attributed to scientists for outstanding achievements in Forensic Toxicology, as a science, a profession, or both, during the first part of their career.
He is member of the Society for Hair Testing since 1996.     
He has been frequently asked to referee manuscripts submitted for publication in Analytical Chemistry, Clinical Chemistry, Journal of Chromatography A and B, Forensic Science International, Journal of Mass Spectrometry, Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry, Food Additives and Contaminants, Mass Spectrometry Reviews, Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis, Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, Chromatographia.
He is member of the Editorial Advisory Board of the Journal of Analytical Toxicology since 1998 and, since 2010, he is Assistant Editor for post-mortem toxicology of the Journal.
He speaks and writes English and Spanish fluently, and understands Portuguese.


Modules running in the period selected: 157.
Click on the module to see the timetable and course details.

Course Name Total credits Online Teacher credits Modules offered by this teacher
Master's degree in Advanced Social Work Community health (2024/2025)   6    MEDICINA DELLE DIPENDENZE (Laboratorio)
Master's degree in Preventive and Adapted Exercise Science Forensic medicine and social security (2024/2025)   3   
Bachelor's degree in Nursing (to qualify as a nurse) (Bolzano) Legal, bioethic and deontological principles of professional practice (2024/2025)   4    MEDICINA LEGALE
Bachelors' degree in Health Assistance Legal sciences and ethics (2024/2025)   5    BIOETICA E RESPONSABILITÀ PROFESSIONALE
Bachelor's degree in Biomedical Laboratory Techniques (to qualify as a biomedical laboratory worker) (Verona) Principles of law, bioethics and professional ethics (2024/2025)   3    ETICA E MEDICINA LEGALE
Master's degree in Advanced Social Work Community health (2023/2024)   6  eLearning MEDICINA DELLE DIPENDENZE (Laboratorio)
Bachelor's degree in Dental Hygiene (Verona) Ethical, legal, and ethics in professional practice (2023/2024)   4  eLearning MEDICINA LEGALE E BIOETICA
Master's degree in Preventive and Adapted Exercise Science Forensic medicine and social security (2023/2024)   3  eLearning
Postgraduate Specialisation in Legal Medicine Legal and Forensic Medicine (2023/2024)   45  eLearning 0.5  DIDATTICA FRONTALE (POLETTINI 1)
Postgraduate Specialisation in Legal Medicine Legal and Forensic Medicine (2023/2024)   44  eLearning DIDATTICA FRONTALE (POLETTINI 4)
Bachelor's degree in Nursing (to qualify as a nurse) (Bolzano) Legal, bioethic and deontological principles of professional practice (2023/2024)   4  eLearning MEDICINA LEGALE
Postgraduate Specialisation in Legal Medicine Legal Medicine (2023/2024)   38    DIDATTICA FRONTALE (POLETTINI 2)
Bachelor's degree in Biomedical Laboratory Techniques (to qualify as a biomedical laboratory worker) (Verona) Principles of law, bioethics and professional ethics (2023/2024)   3  eLearning ETICA E MEDICINA LEGALE
Master's degree in Advanced Social Work Community health (2022/2023)   6  eLearning MEDICINA DELLE DIPENDENZE (Laboratorio)
Bachelor's degree in Dental Hygiene (Verona) Ethical, legal, and ethics in professional practice (2022/2023)   4  eLearning MEDICINA LEGALE E BIOETICA
Master's degree in Preventive and Adapted Exercise Science Forensic medicine and social security (2022/2023)   3  eLearning
Postgraduate Specialisation in Legal Medicine Legal and Forensic Medicine (2022/2023)   45  eLearning 0.5  DIDATTICA FRONTALE (MEDICINA LEGALE 1 POLETTINI ALDO)
Postgraduate Specialisation in Legal Medicine Legal and Forensic Medicine (2022/2023)   44  eLearning DIDATTICA FRONTALE (MEDICINA LEGALE 4 POLETTINI)
Bachelor's degree in Nursing (to qualify as a nurse) (Bolzano) Legal, bioethic and deontological principles of professional practice (2022/2023)   4  eLearning MEDICINA LEGALE
Postgraduate Specialisation in Legal Medicine Legal Medicine (2022/2023)   38  eLearning DIDATTICA FRONTALE (Polettini 2)
Bachelor's degree in Biomedical Laboratory Techniques (to qualify as a biomedical laboratory worker) (Verona) Principles of law, bioethics and professional ethics (2022/2023)   3  eLearning ETICA E MEDICINA LEGALE
Master's degree in Advanced Social Work Community health (2021/2022)   6  eLearning MEDICINA DELLE DIPENDENZE (Laboratorio)
Bachelor's degree in Dental Hygiene (Verona) Ethical, legal, and ethics in professional practice (2021/2022)   4  eLearning MEDICINA LEGALE E BIOETICA
Master's degree in Preventive and Adapted Exercise Science Forensic medicine and social security (2021/2022)   3  eLearning
Postgraduate Specialisation in Legal Medicine Legal and Forensic Medicine (2021/2022)   45  eLearning DIDATTICA FRONTALE (MEDICINA LEGALE 1 POLETTINI ALDO)
Postgraduate Specialisation in Legal Medicine Legal and Forensic Medicine (2021/2022)   44  eLearning DIDATTICA FRONTALE (MEDICINA LEGALE 4 POLETTINI)
Bachelor's degree in Nursing (to qualify as a nurse) (Bolzano) Legal, bioethic and deontological principles of professional practice (2021/2022)   4  eLearning MEDICINA LEGALE
Postgraduate Specialisation in Legal Medicine Legal Medicine (2021/2022)   38  eLearning DIDATTICA FRONTALE (Polettini 2)
Bachelor's degree in Biomedical Laboratory Techniques (to qualify as a biomedical laboratory worker) (Verona) Principles of law, bioethics and professional ethics (2021/2022)   3  eLearning ETICA E MEDICINA LEGALE
Combined Bachelor's + Master's degree in Medicine and Surgery Toxicological screening in acute/lethal poisoning cases: chemoinformatic analytical applications (2021/2022)   1  eLearning
Master's degree in Advanced Social Work Community health (2020/2021)   6  eLearning MEDICINA DELLE DIPENDENZE (Laboratorio)
Combined Bachelor's + Master's degree in Medicine and Surgery Doping and doping control (2020/2021)   1  eLearning
Bachelor's degree in Dental Hygiene (Verona) Ethical, legal, and ethics in professional practice (2020/2021)   4  eLearning MEDICINA LEGALE E BIOETICA
Master's degree in Preventive and Adapted Exercise Science Forensic medicine and social security (2020/2021)   3  eLearning
Postgraduate Specialisation in Legal Medicine Legal and Forensic Medicine (2020/2021)   44  eLearning DIDATTICA FRONTALE (POLETTINI 4)
Bachelor's degree in Nursing (to qualify as a nurse) (Bolzano) Legal, bioethic and deontological principles of professional practice (2020/2021)   4  eLearning MEDICINA LEGALE
Bachelor's degree in Biomedical Laboratory Techniques (to qualify as a biomedical laboratory worker) (Verona) Principles of law, bioethics and professional ethics (2020/2021)   3  eLearning ETICA E MEDICINA LEGALE
Combined Bachelor's + Master's degree in Medicine and Surgery Toxicological screening in acute/lethal poisoning cases: chemoinformatic analytical applications (2020/2021)   1  eLearning
Master's degree in Advanced Social Work Community health (2019/2020)   6  eLearning MEDICINA DELLE DIPENDENZE (Esercitazione)
Combined Bachelor's + Master's degree in Medicine and Surgery Doping and doping control (2019/2020)   1  eLearning
Bachelor's degree in Dental Hygiene (Verona) Ethical, legal, and ethics in professional practice (2019/2020)   4  eLearning MEDICINA LEGALE E BIOETICA
Master's degree in Preventive and Adapted Exercise Science Forensic medicine and social security (2019/2020)   3  eLearning
Postgraduate Specialisation in Legal Medicine Legal and Forensic Medicine (2019/2020)   45  eLearning 0.5  DIDATTICA FRONTALE (POLETTINI 1)
Postgraduate Specialisation in Legal Medicine Legal and Forensic Medicine (2019/2020)   44  eLearning DIDATTICA FRONTALE (POLETTINI 4)
Bachelor's degree in Nursing (to qualify as a nurse) (Bolzano) Legal, bioethic and deontological principles of professional practice (2019/2020)   4  eLearning MEDICINA LEGALE
Postgraduate Specialisation in Legal Medicine Legal Medicine (2019/2020)   38    DIDATTICA FRONTALE (Polettini 2)
Bachelor's degree in Biomedical Laboratory Techniques (to qualify as a biomedical laboratory worker) (Verona) Principles of law, bioethics and professional ethics (2019/2020)   3  eLearning ETICA E MEDICINA LEGALE
Master's degree in Advanced Social Work Community health (2018/2019)   6  eLearning MEDICINA DELLE DIPENDENZE
Combined Bachelor's + Master's degree in Medicine and Surgery Doping and doping control (2018/2019)   1   
Master's degree in Preventive and Adapted Exercise Science Forensic medicine and social security (2018/2019)   3   
Postgraduate Specialisation in Legal Medicine Legal and Forensic Medicine (2018/2019)   45  eLearning 0.5  DIDATTICA FRONTALE (Medicina legale 1 - Polettini)
Postgraduate Specialisation in Legal Medicine Legal and Forensic Medicine (2018/2019)   44  eLearning DIDATTICA FRONTALE (Medicina legale 4 - Polettini)
Postgraduate Specialisation in Legal Medicine Legal Medicine (2018/2019)   38  eLearning DIDATTICA FRONTALE (Medicina legale 2 - Polettini)
Bachelor's degree in Biomedical Laboratory Techniques (to qualify as a biomedical laboratory worker) (Verona) Principles of law, bioethics and professional ethics (2018/2019)   3  eLearning ETICA E MEDICINA LEGALE
Combined Bachelor's + Master's degree in Medicine and Surgery Public Health (2018/2019)   9    0.5  MEDICINA LEGALE (Lezioni di Medicina legale)
Master's degree in Advanced Social Work Community health (2017/2018)   9  eLearning MEDICINA DELLE DIPENDENZE
Combined Bachelor's + Master's degree in Medicine and Surgery Doping and doping control (2017/2018)   1   
Master's degree in Preventive and Adapted Exercise Science Forensic medicine and social security (2017/2018)   3  eLearning
Postgraduate Specialisation in Legal Medicine Legal and Forensic Medicine (2017/2018)   45    0.5  DIDATTICA FRONTALE
Postgraduate Specialisation in Legal Medicine Legal and Forensic Medicine (2017/2018)   44    DIDATTICA FRONTALE
Postgraduate Specialisation in Legal Medicine Legal Medicine (2017/2018)   38    DIDATTICA FRONTALE (Medicina legale 2 - Polettini)
Bachelor's degree in Biomedical Laboratory Techniques (to qualify as a biomedical laboratory worker) (Verona) Principles of law, bioethics and professional ethics (2017/2018)   3  eLearning ETICA E MEDICINA LEGALE
Combined Bachelor's + Master's degree in Medicine and Surgery Public Health (2017/2018)   9    0.5  MEDICINA LEGALE (Lezioni di Medicina Legale)
Master's degree in Advanced Social Work Community health (2016/2017)   9  eLearning MEDICINA DELLE DIPENDENZE
Combined Bachelor's + Master's degree in Medicine and Surgery Doping and doping control (2016/2017)   1  eLearning
Bachelor's degree in Dental Hygiene (Verona) Ethical, legal, and ethics in professional practice (2016/2017)   4    MEDICINA LEGALE E BIOETICA
Master's degree in Preventive and Adapted Exercise Science Forensic medicine and social security (2016/2017)   3  eLearning
Postgraduate Specialisation in Legal Medicine Legal and Forensic Medicine (2016/2017)   45    DIDATTICA FRONTALE
Postgraduate Specialisation in Legal Medicine Legal and Forensic Medicine (2016/2017)   44    DIDATTICA FRONTALE
Postgraduate Specialisation in Legal Medicine Legal Medicine (2016/2017)   38    DIDATTICA FRONTALE
Bachelor's degree in Biomedical Laboratory Techniques (to qualify as a biomedical laboratory worker) (Verona) Principles of law, bioethics and professional ethics (2016/2017)   3    ETICA E MEDICINA LEGALE
Combined Bachelor's + Master's degree in Medicine and Surgery Public Health (2016/2017)   9  eLearning 0.5  MEDICINA LEGALE (Lezioni di Medicina Legale)
Master's degree in Advanced Social Work Community health (2015/2016)   9    MEDICINA DELLE DIPENDENZE
Combined Bachelor's + Master's degree in Medicine and Surgery Doping and doping control (2015/2016)   1   
Bachelor's degree in Dental Hygiene (Verona) Ethical, legal, and ethics in professional practice (2015/2016)   4    MEDICINA LEGALE E BIOETICA
Master's degree in Preventive and Adapted Exercise Science Forensic medicine and social security (2015/2016)   3   
Postgraduate Specialisation in Legal Medicine Legal and Forensic Medicine (2015/2016)   45    DIDATTICA FRONTALE
Postgraduate Specialisation in Legal Medicine Legal and Forensic Medicine (2015/2016)   44    DIDATTICA FRONTALE
Postgraduate Specialisation in Legal Medicine Legal Medicine (2015/2016)   38    DIDATTICA FRONTALE
Bachelor's degree in Biomedical Laboratory Techniques (to qualify as a biomedical laboratory worker) (Verona) Principles of law, bioethics and professional ethics (2015/2016)   3    ETICA E MEDICINA LEGALE
Combined Bachelor's + Master's degree in Medicine and Surgery Public Health (2015/2016)   9    0.5  MEDICINA LEGALE (Lezioni di Medicina Legale)
Master's degree in Social Work and Social Policies Community health (2014/2015)   9    MEDICINA DELLE DIPENDENZE
Combined Bachelor's + Master's degree in Medicine and Surgery Doping and doping control (2014/2015)   1   
Master's degree in Preventive and Adapted Exercise Science Forensic medicine and social security (2014/2015)   3   
Postgraduate Specialisation in Legal Medicine Legal and Forensic Medicine (2014/2015)   45    DIDATTICA FRONTALE
Postgraduate Specialisation in Legal Medicine Legal and Forensic Medicine (2014/2015)   44    DIDATTICA FRONTALE
Postgraduate Specialisation in Legal Medicine Legal Medicine (2014/2015)   38    DIDATTICA FRONTALE
Bachelor's degree in Biomedical Laboratory Techniques (to qualify as a biomedical laboratory worker) (Verona) Principles of law, bioethics and professional ethics (2014/2015)   3    ETICA E MEDICINA LEGALE
Combined Bachelor's + Master's degree in Medicine and Surgery Public Health (2014/2015)   9    0.5  MEDICINA LEGALE (Lezioni di Medicina Legale)
Postgraduate Specialisation in Hygiene and Preventive Medicine Medicina legale 2 (2014/2015)   4    0.25  DIDATTICA FRONTALE
Postgraduate Specialisation in Legal Medicine Medicina legale 5 (2014/2015)   43    DIDATTICA FRONTALE
Combined Bachelor's + Master's degree in Medicine and Surgery Doping and doping control (2013/2014)   1   
Master's degree in Preventive and Adapted Exercise Science Forensic medicine and social security (2013/2014)   3   
Postgraduate Specialisation in Legal Medicine Legal and Forensic Medicine (2013/2014)   28    1.12  MEDICINA LEGALE 3 (DISCIPLINE SPECIFICHE DELLA TIPOLOGIA)
Bachelor's degree in Biomedical Laboratory Techniques (to qualify as a biomedical laboratory worker) (Verona) Principles of law, bioethics and professional ethics (2013/2014)   3    ETICA E MEDICINA LEGALE
Combined Bachelor's + Master's degree in Medicine and Surgery Public Health (2013/2014)   9    0.5  MEDICINA LEGALE [Gruppo Prof. Polettini] (Seminari di Medicina Legale)
0.75  MEDICINA LEGALE (Lezioni di Medicina Legale)
PAS A040 Hygiene, anatomy, physiology, general pathology and pathology of the masticatory apparatus Fondamenti di promozione della salute e di prevenzione delle malattie (2013/2014)   5    MEDICINA LEGALE
Postgraduate Specialisation in Hygiene and Preventive Medicine Medicina legale 1(tronco comune) (2013/2014)   1    0.25 
Postgraduate Specialisation in Hygiene and Preventive Medicine Medicina legale 2 (2013/2014)   4    0.25  DIDATTICA FRONTALE
Postgraduate Specialisation in Legal Medicine Medicina legale 5 (2013/2014)   43    DIDATTICA FRONTALE
Postgraduate Specialisation in Legal Medicine Medicina legale (discipline specifiche della tipologia) (2013/2014)   21    DIDATTICA FRONTALE
Master's degree in Social Work and Social Policies Community health (2012/2013)   9    MEDICINA DELLE DIPENDENZE
Combined Bachelor's + Master's degree in Medicine and Surgery Doping and doping control (2012/2013)   1   
Master's degree in Preventive and Adapted Exercise Science Forensic medicine and social security (2012/2013)   3   
Postgraduate Specialisation in Legal Medicine Legal and Forensic Medicine (2012/2013)   28    1.13  MEDICINA LEGALE 3 (DISCIPLINE SPECIFICHE DELLA TIPOLOGIA)
Bachelor’s degree in Law Services Medical disciplines (2012/2013)   9    MEDICINA LEGALE
Bachelor's degree in Biomedical Laboratory Techniques (to qualify as a biomedical laboratory worker) (Verona) Principles of law, bioethics and professional ethics (2012/2013)   3    ETICA E MEDICINA LEGALE
Specialist degree in Medicine and Surgery (single cycle) Public Health (2012/2013)   12    0.5  MEDICINA LEGALE: LEZIONI
Postgraduate Specialisation in Hygiene and Preventive Medicine Medicina legale 1(tronco comune) (2012/2013)   1    0.25 
Postgraduate Specialisation in Hygiene and Preventive Medicine Medicina legale 2 (2012/2013)   4    0.25  DIDATTICA FRONTALE
Postgraduate Specialisation in Legal Medicine Medicina legale 5 (2012/2013)   43    DIDATTICA FRONTALE
Postgraduate Specialisation in Legal Medicine Medicina legale (discipline specifiche della tipologia) (2012/2013)   21    DIDATTICA FRONTALE
Degree in Biomedical Laboratory Techniques (Verona) Bioethics, deontology and ethics (2011/2012)   1   
Master's degree in Social Work and Social Policies Community health (2011/2012)   9    MEDICINA DELLE DIPENDENZE
Combined Bachelor's + Master's degree in Medicine and Surgery Doping and doping control (2011/2012)   1    0.3 
Master's degree in Preventive and Adapted Exercise Science Forensic medicine and social security (2011/2012)   3   
Specialist degree in Medicine and Surgery (single cycle) Public Health (2011/2012)   12    0.5  MEDICINA LEGALE: LEZIONI
Postgraduate Specialisation in Hygiene and Preventive Medicine Medicina Legale (1°anno-TRONCO COMUNE) (2011/2012)   1    0.25 
Postgraduate Specialisation in Hygiene and Preventive Medicine Medicina Legale (2° anno - TRONCO COMUNE-CLINICO-Didattica Frontale) (2011/2012)   1    0.25 
Postgraduate Specialisation in Legal Medicine Medicina legale (3°anno-DISCIPLINE SPECIFICHE DELLA TIPOLOGIA-Didattica frontale) (2011/2012)   8    1.12 
Postgraduate Specialisation in Legal Medicine Medicina legale (4°anno - DISCIPLINE SPECIFICHE DELLA TIPOLOGIA - Didattica frontale) (2011/2012)   8   
Specialist degree in Medicine and Surgery (single cycle) Doping and doping control (2010/2011)   1    0.34 
Degree in Biomedical Laboratory Techniques (Verona) General and applied hygiene, forensic medicine, safety standards and radio-protection (2010/2011)   6    CHIMICA TOSSICOLOGICA FORENSE
Postgraduate Specialisation in Hygiene and Preventive Medicine Legal Medicine (2010/2011)   1    0.25 
Bachelor’s degree in Law Services Medical disciplines (2010/2011)   9    MEDICINA LEGALE
Specialist degree in Medicine and Surgery (single cycle) Public Health (2010/2011)   12    0.5  MEDICINA LEGALE: LEZIONI
0.5  SEMINARI DI MEDICINA LEGALE [Gruppo Prof. Polettini]
School of Specialisation in Legal Medicine Elementi di tossicologia dello sport (2010/2011)   15    15 
Postgraduate Specialisation in Hygiene and Preventive Medicine Medicina Legale (2° anno - TRONCO COMUNE-CLINICO-Didattica Frontale) (2010/2011)   1    0.25 
Postgraduate Specialisation in Legal Medicine Medicina legale (3°anno-DISCIPLINE SPECIFICHE DELLA TIPOLOGIA-Didattica frontale) (2010/2011)   8    1.12 
Specialist degree in Medicine and Surgery (single cycle) Doping and doping control (2009/2010)   1    0.25 
Degree in Biomedical Laboratory Techniques (Verona) General and applied hygiene, forensic medicine, safety standards and radio-protection (2009/2010)   6    CHIMICA TOSSICOLOGICA FORENSE
Postgraduate Specialisation in Hygiene and Preventive Medicine Legal Medicine (2009/2010)   1    0.25 
Bachelor’s degree in Law Services Medical disciplines (2009/2010)   9    MEDICINA LEGALE
Specialist degree in Medicine and Surgery (single cycle) Public Health (2009/2010)   12    0.5  SEMINARI DI MEDICINA LEGALE [Gruppo Prof. Polettini]
School of Specialisation in Legal Medicine Elementi di tossicologia dello sport (2009/2010)   15    15 
Postgraduate Specialisation in Hygiene and Preventive Medicine Medicina Legale (2° anno - TRONCO COMUNE-CLINICO-Didattica Frontale) (2009/2010)   1    0.25 
School of Specialisation in Legal Medicine Tossicologia forense II (2009/2010)   20    20 
Degree in Biomedical Laboratory Techniques (Verona) General and applied hygiene, forensic medicine, safety standards and radio-protection (2008/2009)   6    Chimica tossicologica forense
Postgraduate Specialisation in Hygiene and Preventive Medicine Legal Medicine (2008/2009)   1    0.25 
Specialist degree in Medicine and Surgery (single cycle) Public Health (2008/2009)   12    0.25  Medicina legale: lezioni
0.5  Seminari di Medicina legale
School of Specialisation in Legal Medicine Elementi di tossicologia dello sport (2008/2009)   10    10 
School of Specialisation in Legal Medicine Tossicologia forense I (2008/2009)   20    20 
School of Specialisation in Legal Medicine Tossicologia forense II (2008/2009)   20    20 
Degree in Biomedical Laboratory Techniques (Verona) General and applied hygiene, forensic medicine, safety standards and radio-protection (2007/2008)   6    Chimica tossicologica forense
Specialist degree in Medicine and Surgery (single cycle) Public Health (2007/2008)   12    0.5  Seminari di Medicina legale
0.5  Medicina legale: lezioni
Specialist degree in Medicine and Surgery (single cycle) Public Health (2006/2007)   12    0.3  Medicina legale: lezioni

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Di seguito sono elencati gli eventi e gli insegnamenti di Terza Missione collegati al docente:

  • Eventi di Terza Missione: eventi di Public Engagement e Formazione Continua.
  • Insegnamenti di Terza Missione: insegnamenti che fanno parte di Corsi di Studio come Corsi di formazione continua, Corsi di perfezionamento e aggiornamento professionale, Corsi di perfezionamento, Master e Scuole di specializzazione.
Research interests
Topic Description Research area
Epidemiological investigation applied to forensic toxicology Analysis od data with the aim to detect and study correlations and cause-effect relationships between analytical data and between these and biometric and anagraphic data Toxicology


Department facilities
