Master's degree in Nursing and Obstetrics

Course modules

Course not running

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1st year 1st semester from 2/17/05 to 4/22/05
years TTA E-lrng Name Teacher or coordinator
B Health Law Jacopo Bercelli (Coordinator)
A/B Methodology of Research Franco Bressan (Coordinator)
B Planning and healthcare economics Vittorio Pederzoli (Coordinator)

1st year 2nd semester from 5/12/05 to 9/30/05
years TTA E-lrng Name Teacher or coordinator
B/C Didactics tutorial methodologies Monica Pedrazza (Coordinator)
A/B Health promotion and community attendance (nursing) Paola Di Nicola (Coordinator)
A/B Health promotion and community attendance (obtetrics) Albino Poli (Coordinator)
B/C Theory and philosophy of the nursing Orazio Siciliani (Coordinator)
B/C Theory and philosophy of the obstetrics sciences not yet allocated

List of teachings with the periods that have not been assigned
years TTA E-lrng Name Teacher or coordinator
Scientific English Yves Doessant

Further didactic activities

