Federica Canzan

Foto Canzan Federica,  February 1, 2020
Associate Professor
Professoressa Associata
Section of Hygiene and Preventive, Environmental and Occupational Medicine
Academic sector
MEDS-24/C - Nursing and Midwifery Sciences
Research sector (ERC-2024)
LS7_11 - Environmental health, occupational medicine

LS7_9 - Public health and epidemiology

LS7_12 - Health care, including care for the ageing population

0458027253- 7288
federica|canzan*univr|it <== Replace | with . and * with @ to have the right email address.

Office Hours

Monday, Hours 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM,   Ex Area Gavazzi, Floor , room 


Federica Canzan  PhD, MS,  RN

I am Associate Professor from 2020.

I earned a PhD in Educational Research from the University of Verona, the Master's Program in Nursing Sciences at the University of Verona in November 2009 obtaining a full positive evaluation

I worked as a Registered Nurse from January 1999 until December 2002 in the Surgical Unit at Verona

Hospital, and from December 2002 to May 2009 in the Intensive Unit of Cardiac Surgery, in the same period I collaborated with the School of Nursing for the activities of simulations concerning practical and relational skills, for the annual examinations of apprenticeship (OSCE) and as students' preceptor.

I am associate editor for  BMC nursing and Plos one Journals

MY  primary research interests are in nursing education; caring; learning environment, caring, and evidence based nursing.

I am  focused both on qualitative and quantitative research methods.


Modules running in the period selected: 49.
Click on the module to see the timetable and course details.

Course Name Total credits Online Teacher credits Modules offered by this teacher
Bachelor's degree in Nursing (to qualify as a nurse) (Verona) Evidence based nursing [Matricole pari] (2024/2025)   4  eLearning METODOLOGIA DELL'INFERMIERISTICA BASATA SULLE EVIDENZE
Combined Bachelor's + Master's degree in Medicine and Surgery Medical clinic, gerontology and medical treatment (2024/2025)   13  eLearning INTERAZIONE CON ALTRE FIGURE PROFESSIONALI
Master's degree in Nursing and Obstetrics (Bolzano) Quality assessment of clinical practice (2024/2025)   8  eLearning ASSISTENZA BASATA SULLE EVIDENZE
Master's degree in Nursing and Obstetrics (Verona) Quality assessment of clinical practice (2024/2025)   8  eLearning ASSISTENZA BASATA SULLE EVIDENZE
Master's degree in Nursing and Obstetrics (Verona) Research methodology applied to health settings (2024/2025)   8  eLearning RICERCA QUALITATIVA APPLICATA
Laurea magistrale in Scienze infermieristiche e ostetriche - Trento Research methodology applied to primary care (2024/2025)   5  eLearning RICERCA QUALITATIVA APPLICATA
Master's degree in Nursing and Obstetrics (Bolzano) Research Methods for Evidence-Based Practice (2024/2025)   4  eLearning LINEE GUIDA E SICUREZZA DELLE CURE
Professional development Course in Medication Review e Deprescribing Aderenza alle terapie farmacologiche (2024/2025)   1    0.2  (Favorire l'aderenza alle terapie nel paziente attraverso la creazione di una relazione terapeutica efficace)
Bachelor's degree in Nursing (to qualify as a nurse) (Legnago) Evidence based nursing (2023/2024)   4  eLearning METODOLOGIA DELL'INFERMIERISTICA BASATA SULLE EVIDENZE
Bachelor's degree in Nursing (to qualify as a nurse) (Verona) Evidence based nursing [Matricole pari] (2023/2024)   4  eLearning METODOLOGIA DELL'INFERMIERISTICA BASATA SULLE EVIDENZE
Combined Bachelor's + Master's degree in Medicine and Surgery Medical clinic, gerontology and medical treatment (2023/2024)   13  eLearning INTERAZIONE CON ALTRE FIGURE PROFESSIONALI
Bachelors' degree in Health Assistance Methodologies and instruments for the identification of health needs (2023/2024)   6  eLearning STRUMENTI DELLA RICERCA QUALITATIVA
Master's degree in Nursing and Obstetrics (Verona) Quality assessment of clinical practice (2023/2024)   8  eLearning ASSISTENZA BASATA SULLE EVIDENZE
Master's degree in Nursing and Obstetrics (Bolzano) Quality assessment of clinical practice (2023/2024)   8  eLearning ASSISTENZA BASATA SULLE EVIDENZE
Master's degree in Nursing and Obstetrics (Verona) Research methodology applied to health settings (2023/2024)   8  eLearning RICERCA QUALITATIVA APPLICATA
Master's degree in Nursing and Obstetrics (Bolzano) Research methodology applied to health settings (2023/2024)   8  eLearning RICERCA QUALITATIVA APPLICATA
PERCORSO 60 CFU CLASSE A015 La relazione di cura (2023/2024)   4  eLearning
Bachelor's degree in Nursing (to qualify as a nurse) (Legnago) Evidence based nursing (2022/2023)   4  eLearning METODOLOGIA DELL'INFERMIERISTICA BASATA SULLE EVIDENZE
Bachelor's degree in Nursing (to qualify as a nurse) (Vicenza) Evidence based nursing (2022/2023)   4  eLearning METODOLOGIA DELL'INFERMIERISTICA BASATA SULLE EVIDENZE
Bachelor's degree in Nursing (to qualify as a nurse) (Verona) Evidence based nursing [Matricole pari] (2022/2023)   4  eLearning METODOLOGIA DELL'INFERMIERISTICA BASATA SULLE EVIDENZE
Combined Bachelor's + Master's degree in Medicine and Surgery Medical clinic, gerontology and medical treatment (2022/2023)   13  eLearning INTERAZIONE CON ALTRE FIGURE PROFESSIONALI
Master's degree in Nursing and Obstetrics (Verona) Quality assessment of clinical practice (2022/2023)   8  eLearning ASSISTENZA BASATA SULLE EVIDENZE
Master's degree in Nursing and Obstetrics (Verona) Research methodology applied to health settings (2022/2023)   8  eLearning RICERCA QUALITATIVA APPLICATA
Master's degree in Nursing and Obstetrics (Bolzano) Research methodology applied to health settings (2022/2023)   8  eLearning RICERCA QUALITATIVA APPLICATA
Bachelor's degree in Nursing (to qualify as a nurse) (Legnago) Evidence based nursing (2021/2022)   4  eLearning METODOLOGIA DELL'INFERMIERISTICA BASATA SULLE EVIDENZE
Bachelor's degree in Nursing (to qualify as a nurse) (Verona) Evidence based nursing [Matricole pari] (2021/2022)   4  eLearning METODOLOGIA DELL'INFERMIERISTICA BASATA SULLE EVIDENZE
Bachelor's degree in Nursing (to qualify as a nurse) (Verona) General and methodological nursing [Matricole pari] (2021/2022)   5  eLearning INFERMIERISTICA GENERALE
Combined Bachelor's + Master's degree in Medicine and Surgery Medical clinic, gerontology and medical treatment (2021/2022)   13  eLearning INTERAZIONE CON ALTRE FIGURE PROFESSIONALI
Master's degree in Nursing and Obstetrics (Bolzano) Research methodology applied to health settings (2021/2022)   8  eLearning RICERCA QUALITATIVA APPLICATA
Master's degree in Nursing and Obstetrics (Verona) Research methodology applied to health settings (2021/2022)   8  eLearning RICERCA QUALITATIVA APPLICATA
Bachelor's degree in Nursing (to qualify as a nurse) (Legnago) Evidence based nursing (2020/2021)   4  eLearning METODOLOGIA DELL'INFERMIERISTICA BASATA SULLE EVIDENZE
Bachelor's degree in Nursing (to qualify as a nurse) (Verona) Evidence based nursing [Matricole pari] (2020/2021)   4  eLearning METODOLOGIA DELL'INFERMIERISTICA BASATA SULLE EVIDENZE
Bachelor's degree in Nursing (to qualify as a nurse) (Verona) General and methodological nursing [Matricole pari] (2020/2021)   5  eLearning INFERMIERISTICA GENERALE
Combined Bachelor's + Master's degree in Medicine and Surgery Medical clinic, gerontology and medical treatment (2020/2021)   13  eLearning INTERAZIONE CON ALTRE FIGURE PROFESSIONALI
Master's degree in Nursing and Obstetrics (Bolzano) Research methodology applied to health settings (2020/2021)   8  eLearning RICERCA QUALITATIVA APPLICATA
Master's degree in Nursing and Obstetrics (Verona) Research methodology applied to health settings (2020/2021)   8  eLearning RICERCA QUALITATIVA APPLICATA
Bachelor's degree in Nursing (to qualify as a nurse) (Verona) Evidence based nursing [Matricole pari] (2019/2020)   4  eLearning METODOLOGIA DELL'INFERMIERISTICA BASATA SULLE EVIDENZE
Bachelor's degree in Nursing (to qualify as a nurse) (Verona) General and methodological nursing [Matricole pari] (2019/2020)   5  eLearning INFERMIERISTICA GENERALE
Master's degree in Nursing and Obstetrics (Verona) Professional Laboratories (1st year) (2019/2020)   1   
Master's degree in Nursing and Obstetrics (Bolzano) Research methodology applied to health settings (2019/2020)   8  eLearning RICERCA QUALITATIVA APPLICATA
Master's degree in Nursing and Obstetrics (Verona) Research methodology applied to health settings (2019/2020)   8  eLearning RICERCA QUALITATIVA APPLICATA
Combined Bachelor's + Master's degree in Medicine and Surgery “Role of the Medicine student in a cognitive laboratory for Nursing students” (2019/2020)   1   
Bachelor's degree in Nursing (to qualify as a nurse) (Verona) Evidence based nursing [Matricole pari] (2018/2019)   4    METODOLOGIA DELL'INFERMIERISTICA BASATA SULLE EVIDENZE
Master's degree in Nursing and Obstetrics (Verona) Professional Laboratories (1st year) (2018/2019)   1   
Bachelor's degree in Nursing (to qualify as a nurse) (Verona) Evidence based nursing [Matricole pari] (2017/2018)   4  eLearning METODOLOGIA DELL'INFERMIERISTICA BASATA SULLE EVIDENZE
Bachelor's degree in Nursing (to qualify as a nurse) (Verona) Evidence based nursing [Matricole dispari] (2016/2017)   4  eLearning METODOLOGIA DELL'INFERMIERISTICA BASATA SULLE EVIDENZE
Bachelor's degree in Nursing (to qualify as a nurse) (Verona) Evidence based nursing [Matricole pari] (2016/2017)   4    METODOLOGIA DELL'INFERMIERISTICA BASATA SULLE EVIDENZE
Bachelor's degree in Nursing (to qualify as a nurse) (Verona) Evidence based nursing [Matricole pari] (2015/2016)   4    METODOLOGIA DELL'INFERMIERISTICA BASATA SULLE EVIDENZE
Bachelor's degree in Nursing (to qualify as a nurse) (Verona) General and methodological nursing (2010/2011)   5    ASSISTENZA CHIRURGICA GENERALE

Di seguito sono elencati gli eventi e gli insegnamenti di Terza Missione collegati al docente:

  • Eventi di Terza Missione: eventi di Public Engagement e Formazione Continua.
  • Insegnamenti di Terza Missione: insegnamenti che fanno parte di Corsi di Studio come Corsi di formazione continua, Corsi di perfezionamento e aggiornamento professionale, Corsi di perfezionamento, Master e Scuole di specializzazione.
Research interests
Topic Description Research area
Nursing education and caring Anziani: prevalenza ed evitabilità della contenzione fisica, infermieri e farmacosorveglianza, evitabilità dei problemi assistenziali, efficacia dei trattamenti per le lesioni da pressione. Ricerca organizzativa: modelli assistenziali innovativi, prevenzione del turnover, strategie di continuità assistenziale, screening dei pazienti a rischio di dimissione difficile. Caring infermieristico: azioni e percezioni. Correlazione tra skill mix dei team infermieristici e occorrenza di esiti negativi sui pazienti ospedalizzati. Competenze infermieristiche nei team di medicina generale. Evoluzione competenze professioni assistenziali. Validazione strumento di valutazione dei contesti di tirocinio clinico. Impatto formazione infermieristica avanzata sull’attività professionale e l’avanzamento di carriera dei laureati. Health Care Sciences & Services
Title Starting date
L'essenza del caring infermieristico: uno studio fenomenologico 1/1/08


Federica Canzan
Office Collegial Body
member Council for the Degree Course in Medicine and Surgery - Medicine and Surgery
member Council for the Degree course in the Sciences of Nursing and Obstretrics - Medicine and Surgery
vice president Council for the Degree Course in Nursing - Medicine and Surgery
member Comitato Scientifico del Corso di aggiornamento professionale in modelli organizzativi per la pratica infermieristica e ostetrica avanzata - Department Diagnostics and Public Health
Comitato Scientifico del Corso di Perfezionamento in Coordinamento delle professioni sanitarie in assistenza territoriale e integrazione ospedale-territorio - Department Diagnostics and Public Health
Comitato Scientifico del Corso di Perfezionamento in Infermieristica di nefrologia e dialisi - Department Medicine
Comitato Scientifico del Corso di Perfezionamento in La cultura della tutorship quale strumento di sviluppo per le professioni sanitarie (Bolzano) - Department Diagnostics and Public Health
member Comitato scientifico del Master in Cure Primarie e Sanità Pubblica. Infermierie specialista in assistenza alla famiglia e alla comunità - Department Diagnostics and Public Health
Comitato Scientifico del Master in Management per funzioni di coordinamento delle professioni sanitarie e coordinamento di case di comunità, ospedali di comunità e servizi di cure primarie - Department Diagnostics and Public Health
Comitato Scientifico del Master in Management per funzioni di coordinamento delle professioni sanitarie - sede di Bolzano - Department Diagnostics and Public Health
member Comitato scientifico del Master in Management per funzioni di coordinamento delle professioni sanitarie ( Sede Verona - I livello) - Department Diagnostics and Public Health
Comitato Scientifico del Master in Management per funzioni di coordinamento delle professioni sanitarie (sede Vicenza) - Department Diagnostics and Public Health
Comitato Scientifico del Master in Nursing di pronto soccorso e medicina d'urgenza - Department Medicine
member Comitato Scientifico del Master Universitario in Infermiere specialista nella sorveglianza epidemiologica e controllo delle infezioni correlate all'assistenza sanitaria (ICAS) - Department Diagnostics and Public Health
member Comitato scientifico del Master Universitario in Management per funzioni di coordinamento delle professioni sanitarie (Sede Verona) - Department Diagnostics and Public Health
Comitato Tecnico del Master in Direzione delle Professioni Sanitarie - Comitato Scientifico del Master in Direzione delle Professioni Sanitarie - Department Diagnostics and Public Health
Commissione AQ del Corso di Laurea Magistrale in Scienze infermieristiche e ostetriche - Collegio Didattico unificato di Infermieristica, Scienze Infermieristiche ed Ostetriche e Assistenza sanitaria - Medicine and Surgery
Commissione AQ Laurea triennale in Infermieristica - Collegio Didattico unificato di Infermieristica, Scienze Infermieristiche ed Ostetriche e Assistenza sanitaria - Medicine and Surgery
Commissione didattica del Corso di Laurea in Infermieristica - Collegio Didattico unificato di Infermieristica, Scienze Infermieristiche ed Ostetriche e Assistenza sanitaria - Medicine and Surgery
Commissione didattica del Corso di Laurea Magistrale in Scienze infermieristiche e ostetriche - Collegio Didattico unificato di Infermieristica, Scienze Infermieristiche ed Ostetriche e Assistenza sanitaria
Commissione per la Terza Missione - Department Diagnostics and Public Health
associate prof. Council for the Department of Medicine and Public Health - Department Diagnostics and Public Health


Department facilities
