Pharmacology & Pharmacy

Cristiano Chiamulera
Full Professor
Laura Cuzzolin
Teaching Assistant
Ilaria Decimo
Associate Professor
Guido Francesco Fumagalli
Temporary Professor
Roberto Leone
Research Assistants
Riccardo Lora
Technical-administrative staff
Giovanni Marzaro
Associate Professor
Ugo Moretti
Associate Professor
Giovanna Paolone
Associate Professor
Gianluca Trifiro'
Full Professor
Research interests
Topic People Description
Medicinal chemistry Giovanni Marzaro
Rational design, synthesis and structural characterisation of molecules with biological activity. Use of computational techniques for rational design. Use of NMR techniques for the structural characterisation of naturally occurring and synthetic compounds.
Pharmacoepidemiology Laura Cuzzolin
Roberto Leone
Ugo Moretti
Pharmacoepidemiology (PE) is the science related to epidemiology that study the effects and the utilization of drugs in specific populations. PE studies the relationships between patients, diseases and drugs. Through PE studies it is possible to evaluate the appropriate use of drugs and the association of drugs with risks, benefits and expected and unexpected effetcs.
Pediatric pharmacoepidemiology Laura Cuzzolin
study of drug use in paediatric patients
Pharmacoepidemiology & Real World Evidence Gianluca Trifiro'
Discipline that studies effects of drugs in the population in real world setting
Clinical pharmacology and toxicology Gianluca Trifiro'
Evaluation of pharmacological therapies in individual patients on the basis of pharmacokinetic, pharmacodynamicn and clinical aspects and of effectes related to overdose of drugs or potentially toxic agents
Pharmacovigilance Roberto Leone
Riccardo Lora
Ugo Moretti
Pharmacovigilance is the science and the activities related to the identification, evaluation and prevention of adverse effects or any other problem related to the use of drugs, with the aim to verify an appropriate benefit/risk ration in the population.
Neuropharmacology Ilaria Decimo
Guido Francesco Fumagalli
Neural Stem Cell pharmacology: characterization of modulatory event for therapeutic regeneration of CNS
Regenerative neuropharmacology Ilaria Decimo
Guido Francesco Fumagalli
Pharmacological, functional, cellular and molecular characterization of a population of neural stem cells that we have discovered to be present in leptomeninges and involved in postnatal neurogenesis and/or in regenerative processes associated to pathological conditions. The study is focused on reaction, involvement and reparative potential of meningeal stem cells following traumatic lesions of the spinal cord. The aim is to identify drugs/nutrients/substances that modulate/potentiate endogenous reparative reaction that follows to the trauma. In addition we are setting innovative approaches of regenerative medicine applied to spinal cord injury by taking advantage of the neural stem cells extracted from meninges of adult subjects (including humans).
Neruopsychopharmacology Cristiano Chiamulera
Giovanna Paolone
The research objective is a better knowledge of the phenomena and processes of adaptation to drugs, scheduled drugs, doping, palatable foods and to all those substances that trigger and maintain neuropsychiatric disorders and risky behaviours. From the mechanistic point of view, it is the study of the brain activation and plasticity when exposed to the interaction between substances and environment. The implication of these studies is in innovation, implementation and translation to clinic and prevention.
Tobacco Addiction and Smoking Cessation Cristiano Chiamulera
Giovanna Paolone
Basic and applied research activities on mechanisms, processes and phenomena associated to nicotine/tobacco addiction, smoking cessation and related health problems
Substance Use Disorders Cristiano Chiamulera
Giovanna Paolone
Study of the neuroadaptive mechanisms and psycho-behavioral processes underlying drug addiction and substance use disorders
Vaccinovigilance Roberto Leone
Riccardo Lora
Ugo Moretti
The study of adverse events following immunization (AEFI). The science study the risk profiles of vaccines.


Research facilities
