The research group on Pharmacovigilance and pharmacoepidemiology includes researcher studying botyh the efficacy and the risk profiles of drugs in the population. In this field the group is involved in both national and international research projects and in italian surveillance systems on adverse drug reactions and adverse events following immunization (AEFI). The group include the Regional Pharmacovigilance Centre of Veneto Region and of the Autonomous Province of Bolzano.
The research group study application of the interphase cytogenetic FISH analysis on formalin-fixed and paraffin embedded tissue for diagnostics, prognostication and predictiveness to targeted therapies in carcinoma primary arising from the urogenital tract (i.e. renal cell carcinoma), in breast carcinoma (Her-2 locus gene) and ALK/ROS-1 riarrangements in lung carcinoma; moreover application of FISH technique for 1p/19q abnormalities in tumours from the central nervous system is constantly performed. Prof. Guido Martignoni and Dr. Anna Caliò partecipate in the research group from more than a decade. The group published more than 100 manuscripts by using FISH analysis as primary mehtod of cancer discovery.
Il NeuroPsiLab studia l’interazione tra gli effetti biologici delle sostanze ed i fattori ambientali nel contesto conoscitivo e applicativo della Neuropsicofarmacologia
The lab has is core business on the preparation, fabrication and characterization of second generation thin film solar cells.
CdTe thin film solar cells with efficiencies exceeding 15% have been fabricated, also flexible solar cells deposited on polymer foils with more than 10% efficiency have been made.
The laboratory is equipped with many different vacuum deposition machines, and electrical and morphological characterization instruments.
The laboratory has also a new different area on the characterization on biological samples and nanostructures by atomic force microscopy.
Virtual Renal Cancer Center & Verona Renal Cancer Center
L'attività primaria del Gruppo di Ricerca vRCC si focalizza sull'identificazione delle caratteristiche biologiche del cancro del rene, utili per la cura dei pazienti affetti da carcinoma a prognosi infausta.
L'attività secondaria del Gruppo di Ricerca vRCC è l'organizzazione di eventi per la simulazione diagnostica istopatologica digitale (telemedicina, telediagnostica, via web con anomizzazione) tramite lo strumento di alta tecnologia virtuale Grundium-Ocus, al fine dell'acquisizione delle skills in ambito istopatologico diagnostico.
La terza attività del Gruppo di Ricerca è l'ampia adesione alla terza missione dell'Università di Verona, con coinvolgimento delle Associazioni dei pazienti affetti da neoplasia del rene.