Epidemiology and Medical Statistics library

The library is located on the 2nd floor, Block B, of the Biology Institutes.

13 current periodical subscriptions and 138 monographs are available for on-site consultation by leaving an ID card.

All library materials are listed in the university catalogue, OPAC, with the code MSP SM.

Ricerca bibliografica

+39 045 8027270
roberta|vesentini*univr|it <== Replace | with . and * with @ to have the right email address.
Strada le Grazie 10 - 37134 Verona
Istituti Biologici Blocco B Ala NUOVA,  Floor II,  Room 


Per la consultazione del materiale bibliografico scrivere a info.meneghetti@ateneo.univr.it

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